Tuesday, 9 July 2013

My Artworks on my Facebook Page.

Artists found the social media network a good place for showcasing their artworks. They feel it is helpful in spreading information about their artworks and shows. A good tool to follow the art related activities and updates from masters to upcoming artists. And many times for developing links and networks. 

There is a serious issue how to show case artworks on a page. I have tried lots of experiments. 

For example 

1. Reduce the image size to 72 dpi and putting watermarks and just upload it to any gallery site or any social networking site. 

2. Some time I draw the borders and rest is same as mention above. 

And some time I like to show how it will look on a wall... 

I hate tagging the pictures where as I like to share it through groups. 

I try to avoid not to ask for favors in liking artworks but sure I encourage people to write comments as it is more important to me. 

The idea is that to reach maximum number of people in India and abroad without spending money but sure time is investment here. 

It feel good to watch the statistics of post and other informations. I find it encouraging as it gives me opportunity to reach that many peoples and I know that it would have not possible by any other medium or media. 

If the artworks been published by Galleries, it always have advantages as someone endorsing your skills. But how often it happens? But if you have every information at one place and time record of years, is what I feel is priceless. It record your artworks the environment, the problems, the topics, the series, the artist's mood, what happened when etc etc... The records of day by day, if not day by day than months by months..... or year by year. It feels important for me. 

Publishing artwork at particular time or particular day or year...gives you strength to fight for copyrights. People who will copy your artwork will have the date or time after you have created particular artwork. But sure there is risk of stealing ideas, that is what the risk is. 

It is up to us who have to decide, would we like to sit with our artworks resting at our home and no one to ever see it, or we would share it and arouse the curiosity of our techniques and skills and teach to the people who have similar taste and interests. We try to tell people that we are very much there and we are deeply involved in these activities. So it is us who have to decide it, no one can compel anyone to what to do and what to not to do...It is YOU who have to decide what you want. 

Hope this information will be useful!


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